What is the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) Program?

The “European Solidarity Corps (ESC)” is a new volunteer and solidarity program launched by the European Union in 2019. Under this program, young people aged 18 to 30 (inclusive) can participate in volunteer programs in any EU country or their own country, with durations ranging from 2 weeks to 12 months. In Turkey, as a candidate country for EU membership, participants can benefit from this program equally as those in other EU countries.

The ESC program divides volunteer projects into two categories: short-term (14-59 days, excluding travel time) and long-term (2-12 months, excluding travel time) volunteer projects. Each individual has the right to participate in only one short-term and one long-term volunteer project. After using these rights, they can no longer participate in ESC volunteer projects. If you first participate in a long-term ESC volunteer project, your right to use the short-term option will expire, and you will not be able to benefit from the program further.

What Support is Provided to Volunteers?

Travel Support
You will receive reimbursement for your round-trip travel expenses to the country where the project takes place.

Accommodation Support
The hosting organization provides accommodation support either in a volunteer house, a hostel, or with a host family. Additionally, the costs of utilities such as electricity, water, and heating are covered by the hosting organization.

Food Support
Typically, a portion of the project budget is allocated for your meals, and you are expected to cover your three daily meals from this amount.

Local Transport Support
Local transportation between your accommodation and the project activities (e.g., the hosting organization’s office) is covered by the hosting organization during the project’s duration.

Health Insurance
Upon acceptance into an ESC volunteer project, you will benefit from a special health, travel, and third-party liability insurance throughout the project. This insurance support is provided free of charge, and you will need to present this insurance when applying for a visa. The insurance procedures are handled by the sending organization supporting you.

Visa Support
Expenses related to obtaining a visa for the country where the project will take place, such as application fees, translation costs, intermediary agency fees, health insurance costs (if a separate insurance is required), and travel costs for visa application, are examples of supported costs.

Language Training Support
You are expected to participate in a language course of at least 3 months in the country you are going to (e.g., German in Germany, Polish in Poland). This language course is also provided free of charge by the hosting organization. The language course can be provided by a youth worker at the hosting organization or a professional language course or private tutor.

Pocket Money Support
In addition to all the above support, you will receive a monthly pocket money allowance.

What Are the Requirements to Participate in Projects?

There are no specific requirements such as foreign language proficiency, being a student, or holding a university degree for ESC volunteer projects. The only requirement is to be between the ages of 18 and 30 (inclusive) at the start of the activity. You can apply to all projects with a CV in English prepared in the Europass format.

Dil Eğitimi Desteği
ESC programı kapsamında en az 3 ay olmak üzere gittiğiniz ülkenin (örn. Almanya’ da Almanca, Polonya’ da Lehçe vb.) dil kursuna katılmanız beklenir. Bu dil kursu da yine size ücretsiz olarak ev sahibi kurum tarafından sağlanır. Dil kursu ev sahibi kurumdaki bir gençlik çalışanı tarafından ücretsiz sağlanabildiği gibi profesyonel bir dil kursu veya özel eğitmen tarafından da verilebilir.

Cep Harçlığı Desteği
ESC gönüllülük projelerinde yukarıdaki tüm desteklerin yanı sıra ayrıca size aylık cep harçlığı ödemesi de yapılır.

Projelere Katılmak için Şartlar Nelerdir?
ESC gönüllülük projeleri için yabacı dil bilme, öğrenci olma veya üniversite mezunu olma vb. hiçbir şart bulunmamaktadır. Tek şart faaliyetin başladığı gün itibari ile 18-30 yaş (bu yaşlarda dahil) aralığında olmanızdır. İnternet üzerinden hazırlayacağınız Europass formatındaki İngilizce bir CV ile tüm projelere başvuru yapabilirsiniz.